Chalk paint has become the go-to paint for most DIY projects, thanks to its rustic and reclaimed look. This type of paint is versatile and can be used for a variety of projects.
One of the best things about chalk paint is that it can be easily removed from almost any surface, so you don’t have to worry about committing permanently to a single look.
But how do you remove chalk paint? There are several ways to remove chalk paint depending on your particular project. Some options include using a chemical paint remover or paint thinner, sanding, or using soapy water. Each method is best for a different type of surface.
In this article, let’s take a look at some simple ways to remove chalk paint.
What Is Chalk Paint?
Chalk paint is a type of paint that was created by Annie Sloan company, but is now sold by several different brands. This is a type of paint designed to create a matte texture and an aged, streaky, and chalky look to your furniture, giving them a farmhouse look and feel. This paint is usually found in more rustic colors.
Chalk paint is also very popular because it can be painted over other clean surfaces without a lot of prep. That means if you want to paint over a surface that’s already been painted, you don’t have to remove the previous layer or apply a primer before using chalk paint.
If you love upcycling furniture, then you probably know that chalk paint is a beloved staple in the upcycling community. It is a quick and easy way to flip aged furniture, giving it a trendy look without much effort.
Chalk paint is also a type of water-based, non-toxic paint, which is a great feature for hobbyists who may not have the proper protective equipment to work with solvent-based paints.
Nowadays, you can find chalk paint from every popular brand out there, not just Annie Sloan. Some of these products are just as good as the real deal, so you can explore options and colors from the local paint store if you’re looking for the rustic farmhouse look.
Methods For Removing Chalk Paint
A great thing about chalk paint is that it’s quite simple to remove. If you want to switch things up, then here are some ways that you can remove chalk paint.
The methods mentioned below are typically done on wood furniture. We will mention other materials such as metal, glass, brick, and clothing in the next section.
Using Paint Remover/Stripper
The easiest way to remove chalk paint is using a paint remover.
Paint stripper is a non-toxic and eco-friendly way to remove chalk paint without a lot of effort. You can buy paint strippers in your local paint store.
Although paint strippers are generally non-toxic, we still recommend that you wear protective clothing and work in a well-ventilated area to avoid inhaling dust and fumes that can occur when you are stripping paint.
To strip chalk paint using a paint stripper, you can use a paintbrush to apply a coat of paint stripper to your furniture. Then, wait for about 30 minutes (or the manufacturer’s recommended time) for the paint stripper to take effect.
After about half an hour, you will see the chalk paint layer start to crease. Then, you can lift off as much chalk paint as possible using a putty knife or a scraper.
If there are any leftover stubborn bits of paint, you can scrub off the paint using a soap mixture and a scrubber pad. Afterward, you can use a damp cloth to clean up the entire piece.
After your wooden furniture is completely dry, about 48 hours, you have successfully stripped the layer of chalk paint.
Now, if you want to restore the wood, you can lightly sand the piece to remove any texture and use a microfiber cloth to apply a few coats of Danish oil to finish it up.
Sanding is a great way to remove chalk paint from wooden floors and furniture. This process can be time-consuming, but it’s quite simple since you only need a power sander (or sandpaper – if you are sanding by hand).
During this process, we recommend working in a well-ventilated area since you can inhale some of the sand dust.
First, check if your chalk paint is finished with a layer of wax. You can use a fingernail to scrape the surface, and if you find some wax residue on your nail, you will have to remove this layer before sanding.
Turpentine, mineral spirits, or common paint thinners, can be used to strip the wax. You can use a cloth to wipe the turpentine over the surface of the wax to remove it.
Then, let the wood dry before sanding.
To make this process more efficient, you will first need to sand the wood with very coarse sandpaper (60-grit). This step will help to remove chunks of chalk paint but will leave the wooden surface very rough.
Then, after a large part of the paint has been removed, you can use fine-grit sandpaper to smooth out the surface and get into smaller areas that you didn’t reach with the coarse sandpaper.
Afterward, you can use a damp cloth to wipe the surface clean and let the wood dry completely for about 48 hours. After the wood is completely dry, you can finish it off with Danish oil or a wood finish of your choice.
Using Paint Thinner
Since chalk paint is water-soluble paint, you can use a paint thinner (or simply water) to strip the paint.
Common paint thinners you can find are turpentine or mineral spirits. You can also use household solutions such as rubbing alcohol or acetone to strip the paint. For water-based paint such as chalk paint, you can also use water as a paint thinner too.
The idea here is to gradually dissolve the layer of paint using both a paint thinner and an abrasive force. You will need steel wool and paint thinner.
Then, you can soak the chalk paint with the thinner or water to loosen up the paint layer and rub the steel wool over the paint layer to strip it away. You can work in a small area at a time until the paint has been completely removed.
Then, wipe the entire wooden surface with a wet cloth, and let the wood dry completely for about 48 hours.
If you feel that the wooden surface is still a bit rough from the scrubbing, you can use fine-grit sandpaper to smooth out the surface. Then, you can apply Danish oil or a wood finish of your choice to restore the wood’s original look.
Removing Chalk Paint From Different Surfaces
The methods above are usually employed to remove chalk paint from wood, but a few of these methods can be used to remove chalk paint from other materials as well.
If you’d like to learn more about how to remove chalk paint from your paintbrush or metal or glass surfaces, let’s take a look at them below.
Removing Chalk Paint From A Paintbrush
If you’ve used a paintbrush to apply chalk paint, make sure you clean up the paintbrushes well so that the chalk paint doesn’t dry on the paintbrushes, which can ruin them altogether.
The good thing is that when chalk paint is still wet, it can be cleaned with soapy water since it’s water-based paint.
If the chalk paint is a little stubborn, you can soak your brushes in water overnight. The next day, you can massage the bristles to prevent them from getting stuck together and rinse out the excess water.
Then dab a small amount of soap on the tip of each of your brushes and rub it gently. This will thoroughly clean the brushes and remove any chalk paint leftover on the brushes.
After rinsing, let the brushes air dry, and your brushes should be clean as new!
Removing Chalk Paint From Metal
Chalk paint is a great choice if you are looking for a simple and quick way to paint metal. As long as the surface is clean, chalk paint can stick on metal really well without much effort.
If you want to remove chalk paint from metal, the process is quite simple since chalk paint can simply be scraped off from the metal surface using the paint thinner method mentioned above.
Keep in mind that different types of paint thinners react differently to different types of metal, so if you’re unsure, you can use water instead of a chemical, which will work just fine. After some vigorous scrubbing, the chalk paint should be completely removed from your metal surface.
Removing Chalk Paint From Glass
A non-porous surface like glass is incredibly smooth and doesn’t absorb paint as porous surfaces do. This means that while chalk paint can stick to the glass surface, it can also flake off easily.
However, you also don’t want to scrub the glass surface since it can scratch up the glass. So, using sandpaper or steel wool is out of the question.
In this case, you can get chalk paint off of glass using water and various kitchen tools, such as a kitchen sponge. If you have some time on your hand, you can also use a paint scraper to scrape the layer of paint off of the glass, but take care so that you are not scratching up the glass.
Removing Chalk Paint From A Chalkboard
Chalk paint and chalkboard may sound like they go together, but they don’t. Chalk paint can be difficult to remove from a chalkboard, and if you’re not careful, you can damage the board altogether.
If the paint is still wet, the good news is, you can use a wet cloth to wipe the chalk paint away. It may take a few wipes, but it will come off pretty easily.
However, if you have dry chalk paint on your chalkboard, You will need to use a paint thinner to remove it.
Solvent-based paint thinners may be a little too harsh on your chalkboard, so it’s best to use gentle household thinners like rubbing alcohol. Alternatively, you can dilute acetone (nail polish remover) with water (use a 1:2 ratio) and use it as a thinner as well.
Use a soft cloth to pick up the thinner of choice, and rub it over the chalk paint until it is completely removed. Afterward, use a wet cloth to remove any paint thinner residue on the cloth.
Removing Chalk Paint From Plastic
“Plastic” can mean all types of things, and not every type of plastic will do well with paint thinners.
If you have soft plastic, styrofoam, or acrylics, it’s best to use plain water to loosen the paint and scrub the surface using a kitchen sponge to remove the chalk paint.
If you have sturdier plastic, you can use mineral spirits or other household thinners to dissolve the paint and wipe it away with a soft cloth.
Removing Chalk Paint Stains From Clothing
If you have chalk paint stains on your clothing, you can also remove them using rubbing alcohol. First, lay your garment on a flat surface, and use a cloth to dab some rubbing alcohol over the stained area to pick up the paint.
If there’s any stubborn leftover paint, you can apply a stain remover or your detergent over it and gently rub the garment to peel away the paint. Then, you can wash your garment as normal, and the paint stain should be completely gone after a wash cycle.
Removing Chalk Paint From Brick
Chalk paint can be easily applied to a brick surface, and it is just as easily removed using soapy water.
All you need is some warm soapy water – you can mix dish soap or laundry detergent with some warm water for this. Then, spray the solution over the chalk paint layer, and use a stiff paintbrush to scrub the paint off.
Then, you can rinse the brick surface with water, and the paint should wash away with no issue.
Painting Over Chalk Paint
If you don’t want to take steps to remove the chalk paint, you can also paint over it to get a new look.
It’s pretty easy to paint over chalk paint, but you first need to determine if the previous layer had been finished with any wax. Any type of paint will have problems sticking to a waxy surface, so if your piece has been finished with wax, you will need to strip away this layer before painting.
You can check this by lightly scraping the surface with a fingernail. If you see any wax residue on your fingernail, then there’s a layer of wax over the chalk paint. You will need to thoroughly remove this layer of wax using mineral spirits and let the surface dry completely before painting.
What type of paint can be used over a layer of chalk paint? Well, the answer is pretty obvious: you can use more chalk paint to go over it!
Chalk paint is known for being able to stick to almost every surface, so if you have some chalk paint on hand, you can use it over the previous chalk paint layer with ease.
This method works best if you are going over the previous layer with a darker color because the new layer will have a better chance of covering up the previous layer completely.
If you want to go for a different look, then we recommend using latex paint since the formula will help it stick to the surface well without any primer.
If you are using any other type of paint, you will need to go over the surface with a layer of primer to prep the surface before painting. This step will help the paint adhere to the surface without peeling and even cancel out the previous color to help the new color shine.
Up Next: Best Wax For Chalk Paint